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2016 Marc “Léon” Mathis Calendar

Archive 2015

France’s Flying Warbirds and Amicale Jean-Baptiste Salis are associated to realise and edit a 2016 calendar as a tribute to the late Marc “Léon” Mathis, entirely dedicated to him and the airplanes he flew.

Panorama 2016 pour le net 01 e4513



The price is fixed at 35 € (about 26 £) postage charges included for France only as they may vary depending on other destinations.

The profits will be entirely paid-up to Marc’s wife to participate in the erection of a stele right in the place of Marc’s crash.

You can already order the calendar filling this formulary and hen sending it with a cheque or a bank transfer ordered to FFW.

The subscription will be opened till the end of January 2016 and the calendars sent as soon as they are available, the first batch of issues arriving in the end of December.


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