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Bücker BU 131 "Jungman"
Type: CASA 1131E
Registration : F-AZGG
Previous identities: E3B540
Owners: Jacques BASTET
Constructor number : 2156

                                                 Harald Ludwig                                                                      more pictures

Spain obtained the Bü 131 Jungmann manufacturing licence in the end of the spanish civil war.   Construcciones Aeronauticas SA was chosen for this production process as same as for other german types like the Bü 133 Jungmeister and the Heinkel 111. So in Spain the Bü 131 became CASA 1131, the BÜ 133 became CASA 1133 and the He 111 became CASA 1111. The production of these aircraft lasted until the end of the fifties.

The CASA 1131 c/n 2156 was built in 1955 and affected to Ejercito del Aire (the spanish Air Force) and dedicated to primary training.

After the CASA 1131 has been struck of charge, a retired Ejercito del Aire mechanic specialist of the type called Jesus Ballester collected some of these airplanes and a certain amount spares.

Jesus Ballester set up his workshop in Albacete and this is where Jacques Bastet bought ex E.3B-540 in the same time as four others for friends of him.

E.3B-540 has the particularity to possess an EMASA (Empresa National de Motores Aeronauticas SA) Tigre of 150 hp engine as the other four CASA 1131 engines beeing ENMASA Tigre delivering 125 hp only. Then old E.3B-540 has had his fabric replaced by new and a german livery chosen and preferred as the spanish one.