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1. Website presentation

In accordance with article n°6 of the 21st of june 2004, n° 2004-575 law concerning confidence in numerical economy, the identity of the different people involved in the achievement and follow-up of HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr is made clear to users :

Owner : France's Flying Warbirds – Association loi 1901 – Aérodrome de Melun Villaroche, 77950 Montereau sur le Jard
Originator : France's Flying Warbirds
Chief editor : France's Flying Warbirds
The chief editor is a person, physical or moral.
Webmaster : Jacques Habert – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Host : OVH – 2, rue Kellerman 59100 Roubaix

2. General conditions of this website's use

Use of HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr indicates full and total acceptation of the following use conditions. These use conditions may vary or be completed any time so users of HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr are invited to consult this website regularly.

This website is accessible any time to users. However it may be possible that for servicing as for any technical reason the website connection may be occasionally interrupted. In this case HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr will try to announce at what time the website will be out of use.

HYPERLINK  www.ffwm.fr is regularly updated by Jacques Habert. In the same way, legal mentions may be modified any time : as users are concerned, they are invited to consult them regularly as soon as possible to be informed of any change.

According to its statutes the Association France's Flying Warbirds can not promote any product that it would not cause or participated in its realization.

3. Description of available offers

The goals of HYPERLINK  www.ffwm.fr are to inform on the France's Flying Warbirds activities.

France's Flying Warbirds plans to offer information as accurate as possible on HYPERLINK  www.ffwm.fr.

However France's Flying Warbirds can not be held responsible for any forgotten, inexact information or lack of update in HYPERLINK  www.ffwm.fr may it be of his own or of any associated people offering this information.

All information published by HYPERLINK  www.ffwm.fr are given as information purpose and may vary as time is passing. By the way, the information published by HYPERLINK  www.ffwm.fr is not exhaustive. It is given to possibly evolve and vary after it is put on the website.

4. Technical data limitations by contract

The website's use is Java-script technology

The website cannot be held responsible of any material damage caused by the use of HYPERLINK  www.ffwm.fr. Any visitor using this site is supposed to use recent or up to date equipment devoid of viruses with a latest generation updated browser.

5. Intellectual property rights and protection against counterfeiting

France's Flying Warbirds is the owner of intellectual property rights of the website and owns the user's rights of all items put on his site, text, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, software.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of the whole or any part of what is published on France's Flying Warbirds website is unauthorized without a preceding permission of France's Flying Warbirds.

Any non authorized use of the website or use of anyone of his constitutive elements will be considered as counterfeit and prosecuted regarding L.335-2 and according to articles of the intellectual property code.

6. Limits of responsibility

France's Flying Warbirds will not be held responsible for direct and indirect damage caused to any component of any user when he is connected to the website and that results of inappropriate use, as it is explained in chapter 4 and also in the case of the apparition of a bug or resulting of any sort of incompatibility.

By the same way, France's Flying Warbirds will not be held responsible of indirect damage (as an example the loss of a deal or the loss of luck) resulting of using HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr.

Interactive space (possibility of asking question on contact space) is offered to users. France's Flying Warbirds deserves the right — without any preceding formal notice to delete any content offending French regulation in particular the one according to data protection. France's Flying Warbirds may prosecute the originator of racist, offensive, insulting slanderous or pornographic message, being text or picture or image.

7. Control of personal data

In France personal data is protected by the law : by law n° 78-87 of the 6th of January 1978, law n° 2004-801 of 6th august 2004 and article L.226-13 of the 24th October 1995 European directive's penal code.

When using HYPERLINK  www.ffwm.fr. it is possible to collect :

URL of links used by users to get access to HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr, the user's internet service provider, IP (Internet Protocol) user's address.

User's personal data is collected by France's Flying Warbirds only in need of specific offers by HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr . The user is aware of this fact when he enters and transmits these data. In the case it is made clear to the user of HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr . that he is or is not required to transmit his data.

Conforming to articles 38 and following of the 6th of January 1978 law that concerns information technology, files et freedom, any user has the right to access, rectify and oppose to his own personal data. He has to declare his opposition by writing a request accompanied by a copy of an official document specifying his identity and signed by himself and with the address for the reply he has to receive.

No HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr . user's personal data will be published, transferred, exchanged or sold for any purpose without his knowledge. If France's Flying Warbird and its property rights have to be repurchased, users data would conform to the same obligation to the new owner of the HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr . as to conform to the law.

HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr . is not declared to CNIL as he does not collect personal data.

Database is protected by law of the 1st July 1998, relative to Directive 96/9 of the 11th mars 1996 that concerns legal protection of database.

8. Hypertext links and cookies

HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr . contains a number of hypertext links to other websites according to France's Flying Warbirds authorization. However, it is not possible to France's Flying Warbirds to verify the content of these websites and will not assume any responsibility for their content.

Using HYPERLINK www.ffwm.fr . may induce the installation of cookies in user's computers. A cookie is a very small size file that does not allow to obtain the user's address but records data relative of the user's navigation on a website. The intent of cookies is to ease any future navigation and in the same time count the number of connections on the related website.

Refusing to install cookies may suppress some facilities offered by a website. The user may configure his computer as to refuse the installation of cookies.

In Internet Explorer Tab: Tools / Internet Options. Click Privacy and select Block All Cookies. Press Ok

Netscape: Edit / Preferences tab. Click on Advanced and select Disable cookies. Press Ok


9. applicable rights and jurisdiction related

Any dispute related of using HYPERLINK "http://www.ffwm.fr/"www.ffwm.fr. is related to French right and Paris law court is the only competent authority to be in charge of it.

10. Principal laws in relation with

Law n°78-87 of the 6th January 1978, modified by law n° 2004-801 of the 6th august 2004 relative to information technology and freedom.

Law n° 2004-515 of the 21st June 2004 relative to confidence (trust) in numerical economy.

11. Lexicon

User: Internet connecting, using the aforementioned site.

Personal information: "information that enables any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the identification of individuals to whom it applies" (Article 4 of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978).