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FFW receives young airmen

Archive 2015
  Saturday, 18 April 2015

Saturday the 2nd FFW members welcomed about twenty young airmen for a private visit under the guidance of an ESTACA student named Victor. Most came from neighbouring flying clubs but a team flew from Amboise (on the Loire river) with about a dozen aircraft lined up in front of the hangar nicknamed “3 tonneaux”  (three barrels) because of their shape.
avions d8f0f  groupe f9851
After a two hours tour discovering of our aircraft collection the young men went to the SAFRAN museum that displays a vast collection of aircraft engines.

 Some pictures of our aircraft as discovered by this sympathetic band of young men.

cat 93c64  p40 f3908 
sky 84821  sky2 70a15

t6 a8476  dc3 d7a3a


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